Archives - Page 2

  • December
    Vol. 29 No. 12 (2022)

  • Special Issue
    Vol. 29 No. S1 (2022)

    International Maldia Health Sciences Congress, Malatya, Türkiye

    14-16 October 2022 

  • November
    Vol. 29 No. 11 (2022)

  • October
    Vol. 29 No. 10 (2022)

  • September
    Vol. 29 No. 9 (2022)

  • August
    Vol. 29 No. 8 (2022)

  • July
    Vol. 29 No. 7 (2022)

  • June
    Vol. 29 No. 6 (2022)

  • May
    Vol. 29 No. 5 (2022)

  • April
    Vol. 29 No. 4 (2022)

  • March
    Vol. 29 No. 3 (2022)

  • February
    Vol. 29 No. 2 (2022)

  • January
    Vol. 29 No. 1 (2022)

    Dear Annals of Medical Research Family,
    We are happy and excited to publish our first issue of 2022, again full of high quality original research articles.Interest in our journal is increasing exponentially with the contributions of you Annals of Medical Research family. We started to publish the most read articles on our website. The reading rates of the articles showed that the interest in our journal is quite high. We hope that these rates will increase further with quality articles from you.
    With the wishes of the new year to bring peace, happiness and health,

    Nevzat Erdil MD,
    Prof. Chief in Editor
    Annals of Medical Research

  • December
    Vol. 28 No. 12 (2021)

    Dear Annals of Medical Research family,

    As the last issue of 2021, we are happy to publish the December 2021 issue, again full of articles with rich content. The contribution of you, our esteemed readers, authors and reviewers, in reaching this stage is enormous. At the Annals of Medical Research, we hope that your contributions will accelerate in 2022. Although we, as Annals of Medical Research, are already included in many international indexes, we hope to be included in even more prestigious indexes this year (DOAJ, PubMED, Scopus, Web of Science,....).

    With the wishes that 2022 will be the year that the pandemic ends, it will bring health, happiness and peace.

    Nevzat Erdil MD, Prof.
    Editor in Chief
    Annals of Medical Research 

  • November
    Vol. 28 No. 11 (2021)

    Dear Annals of Medical Research Family,

    Our November 2021 issue has been published online, again full of quality articles. The contribution of the reviewers in the evaluation process of these quality articles is enormous. Reviewership is done on a voluntary basis. Publons provide a platform that allows researchers to track, verify and be recognised for their peer review and editorial work. A researcher's peer review and editorial contributions can be displayed on their public Publons profile to show the world the impact they have on their research field and enhance their career. Publons rewards you for documenting your review history by providing you with a verified record which you can use in funding and promotion campaigns. Dear Reviewers, It is very easy to add your article reviews in our journal to your publons account. How to do this is explained in the invitation letter you receive. If you don't have a Publons account yet, we recommend creating one for free (  I hope your contributions to our journal will increase many times over. 

    Nevzat Erdil MD,
    Prof Annals of Medical Research
    Chief in Editor

  • October
    Vol. 28 No. 10 (2021)

    Dear Annals of Medical Reseach family, The October 2021 issue of our journal has been published online, again with your contributions, with quality original research articles. In the last 2 years, when we experienced the pandemic process, face-to-face scientific meetings could not be held or were held online with limited participation. Therefore, by publishing original research articles online in our journal with free full-text access, the results of these studies have been made available to large audiences internationally. We would like to thank all our readers, writers and referees for their valuable contributions. We wish the pandemic process to end as soon as possible, wish you healthy days,

    Nevzat Erdil MD, Prof.
    Editor in Chief
    Annals of Medical Research 
  • September
    Vol. 28 No. 9 (2021)

    Dear Annals of Medical Research Family,

    Our September 2021 issue, which includes valuable and original research articles, has been published online.  We would like to thank you, the esteemed authors, for sending their valuable original articles to our journal.  We would also like to thank our reviewers who evaluated the articles submitted to our journal and increased the quality of the articles with their valuable contributions.  With your contribution, we hope that our open access, international journal will be included  in the prestigious indexes it deserves as soon as possible.  Hoping that your contributions will continue to increase,

    Nevzat Erdil MD, Prof.
    Editor in Chief
    Annals of Medical Research 

  • August
    Vol. 28 No. 8 (2021)

    Dear Annals of Medical Research Family;

    We are happy to have published the August 2021 issue of our jornal, which is also full of rich content. As it is known, our journal is a prestigious journal that is published monthly and scanned in many national and international indexes. For this reason, there is a great interest in our journal.
    Evaluating the articles with the professors in our rich referee pool; We publish the accepted articles in our journal according to the date of acceptance.
    Also; Our application process to prestigious indexes continues. In order to enter these indexes, it is not necessary to publish many articles, but to properly write original research articles and to have satisfactory scientific content, as well as to get plenty of citations. We are sure that you, as the Annals of Medical Research family, will show the necessary contribution and care in this regard. Finally; We kindly request that all communication regarding our journal be made via e-mail.

    Nevzat Erdil MD, Prof.
    Editor in Chief
    Annals of Medical Research 

  • July
    Vol. 28 No. 7 (2021)

    Dear Readers of Annals of Medical Research,

    The July 2021 issue of our journal has been published online, again full of quality articles. While preparing your next articles, do not forget to browse our archive, which has been published uninterruptedly for 28 years. In our rich archive, you will definitely find an article that you can benefit from and refer to.

      Hoping to see the Annals of Medical Research at the levels it deserves,

    Nevzat Erdil MD, Prof.
    Editor in Chief
    Annals of Medical Research 

  • June
    Vol. 28 No. 6 (2021)

    Dear Readers of the Annals of Medical Research,
    As of June, the web page of our Journal has been renewed and we aimed to make it simpler, easier to access and faster.  Starting from June 15th of 2021, authors are required to pay an article processing charge to ensure articles are evaluated as quickly as possible and better consultancy and editing services.
    Our June 2021 issue has been published online, with interesting original article articles, each more rich than the other. You can access the full texts of the articles free of charge on our website.  Hope to see our journal in prestigious indexes as soon as possible with your contributions,

    Nevzat Erdil MD, Prof.
    Editor in Chief
    Annals of Medical Research

  • May
    Vol. 28 No. 5 (2021)

    new.pngAnnals of Medical Research is an open access journal and the expenses of the Annals of Medical Research journal were compensated by its own sources until now. Starting from June 15th of 2021, authors are required to pay an article processing charge to ensure articles are evaluated as quickly as possible and better consultancy and editing services.

    Nevzat Erdil MD, Prof.
    Editor in Chief
    Annals of Medical Research 

    For more information...

  • April
    Vol. 28 No. 4 (2021)

  • March
    Vol. 28 No. 3 (2021)

  • February
    Vol. 28 No. 2 (2021)

  • January
    Vol. 28 No. 1 (2021)

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