Dear Annals of Medical Research Family;
We are happy to have published the August 2021 issue of our jornal, which is also full of rich content. As it is known, our journal is a prestigious journal that is published monthly and scanned in many national and international indexes. For this reason, there is a great interest in our journal.
Evaluating the articles with the professors in our rich referee pool; We publish the accepted articles in our journal according to the date of acceptance.
Also; Our application process to prestigious indexes continues. In order to enter these indexes, it is not necessary to publish many articles, but to properly write original research articles and to have satisfactory scientific content, as well as to get plenty of citations. We are sure that you, as the Annals of Medical Research family, will show the necessary contribution and care in this regard. Finally; We kindly request that all communication regarding our journal be made via e-mail.
Nevzat Erdil MD, Prof.
Editor in Chief
Annals of Medical Research
Published: 2021-08-24