Purified protein derivative response in type 1 diabetics


  • Emre Celik Bursa City Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Bursa, Türkiye
  • Yucel Tastan Private Practice, Istanbul, Türkiye


Purified protein derivative (PPD), Type 1 Diabetes (T1D), Tuberculosis disease (TBC)


Aim: The aims of our study were to identify the role of suppressor T1 helper cells in the immunopathogenesis of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) and to investigate the purified protein derivative (PPD) response, which is a delayed type of skin sensitivity response that develops secondarily to the effect of the T1 helper cell response.

Materials and Methods: Twenty-four newly diagnosed patients with T1D were included in the study (12 girls, 12 boys), and 30 (18/12) age/sex matched healthy children were included as controls. All patients underwent the PPD skin test (TST) in the first diagnostic 24–48 h (study group-1) and again 1 month after diagnosis (study group-2). The PPD response was compared with the response of healthy children. The lower limit of PPD positivity was accepted as ≥ 10 mm.

Results: The mean PPD induration value taken in the study group-2 was statistically greater than both the study group-1 and the control group PPD (p=0,014, p=0.001). Regarding the increase in duration, the PPD positivity rate was statistically higher after the first month than in the control group (p= 0.005) and the initial PPD positivity rate (p=0.023).

Conclusion: Interesting results emerged for the PPD response of the study group-2, because the PPD positivity rate increased over time.


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How to Cite

Purified protein derivative response in type 1 diabetics. Ann Med Res [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];30(11):1432-6. Available from: http://annalsmedres.org/index.php/aomr/article/view/4590