The effect of demographic, biochemical and patholojical parameters on survival in colorectal cancer

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Suat Benek
Cihad Tatar
Ahmet Kocakusak
Bahri Ozer
Mehmet Celal Kizilkaya
Husnu Aydin


Aim: Colorectal cancer is one of the most commonly encountered malign tumors. In this study we studied the patients who have been operated for colorectal cancer retrospectively, to determine the parameters if they are prognostic or not.


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How to Cite
Benek, S., Tatar, C., Kocakusak, A., Ozer, B., Celal Kizilkaya, M., & Aydin, H. (2021). The effect of demographic, biochemical and patholojical parameters on survival in colorectal cancer . Annals of Medical Research, 23(4), 0414–0419. Retrieved from
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