Distant And Near Interpuppilary Distance In 3448 Male And Female Subjects: Final Results

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M.D. Hamdi ER
M.D. Abuzer GUNDUZ


Aim: To establish the normal standards for distant and near interpupillary distance (IPD) specific for age and sex in 3448 urban Turkish subjects from 7 to 40 years of age. IMethods: Turkish male (n=1852) and female (n=1596) subjects zere investigated for anatomical IPD. Subjects zere divided into three age groups; 7 to 15 year-old children (mean, 10.86±2.69), 16 to 25 year-old young adults (mean, 20.57±2.88), 26 to 40 year-old adults (mean, 30.87±4.55). The normative mean values at each age for 7 to 25 year-old group zere determined. The average values for IP measurements zith 3d, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75h, 90th and 97h percen tiles zere presen ted for 7 to 15 year-old group. The values zere compared zith standards derived from other ethnic populations.


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How to Cite
EVEREKLIOGLU, C., Selim DOOANAY, M., Hamdi ER, M., Abuzer GUNDUZ, M., & M.D. (2021). Distant And Near Interpuppilary Distance In 3448 Male And Female Subjects: Final Results . Annals of Medical Research, 6(2), 0084–0091. Retrieved from http://annalsmedres.org/index.php/aomr/article/view/2812
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